Sheepshead / Mcdonald Linkup

Winter break in Montana flew by, and between very enjoyable family time and less enjoyable wisdom teeth time I was able to get a decent 70k out in the mountains.  This was time spent learning the snowpack here in Montana, but difficult weather and snow conditions never lined up for successful scenarios in the larger peaks.  Regardless, powder was found and it felt great to be skiing often.

I moved down to Missoula a little over a week ago, and have been really enjoying the scene here.  The running is right off the neighborhood, and super high quality.  During a bit of a heat streak last week, I was even able to get on some multipitch granite!

Even though the tree skiing and rock climbing were very nice, I was beginning to itch for some skiing in the big peaks.  My first day skiing in Missoula started with a text from Blake Votilla, wondering if I was interested in skiing in the Missions.  I was immediately on board.

January 28, 2015

We left Missoula early, and at the access road heard an owl calling in the morning gray.  The call of the owl in the morning seems to be a good omen for me, since I also heard it during the B7-Iceberg-Wilbur linkup.  From the car, we had boots on and covered the dirt miles quickly.  Bushwhacking access seems to be the name of the game in the Missions, and this was no different.  Once on a ridgeline in the daylight, we could tell that our objective was still in the clouds.  It seemed a bit serious to be in that terrain without visibility, but Blake had already skied this zone, and new his way around.  We traversed the face to the center couloir on the SW of Sheepshead and began pushing to the top.  The first 500 feet or so was at a consistent, cruiser 45 degrees, but near the top it kicked back and got exciting.  Swirling fog, breakable crust, and runnel climbing only added to the excitement.


Close to the ridgetop. At least the clouds hid the exposure! Blake Votilla Photo


Blake approaching the ridge.


Descending the SE ridge of Sheepshead. Blake Votilla photo.


Blake getting ready to access the NW face of Mcdonald.


Blake descending to the NW face of Mcdonald.

From the Summit of Sheepshead, we worked our way down the SE ridgeline, straddling the cliff of a north face, and the steep snowfields on the south face.  At the terminus of the ridgeline, we began ascending the very moderate NW face of Mcdonald.  What a great ski objective! Both the northwest and southwest face hold enjoyable ski terrain, and other lines for the more adventurous as well!


We’re strange enough that making weird faces on summits makes sense.


Trying to copy Pierre Tardivel with French technique on a stiff Mcdonald south face.


The skies cleared as we descended off of Mcdonald. This area has endless possibilites. Time to keep exploring!

From only my first day in the Missions, it seems that what I have heard from others is true: access is tough, trails are hard to find, but the big terrain is very high quality.  I am excited to spend the next few months looking up at these peaks.

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Filed under Mission Mountains, Ski Mountaineering, Trip Reports

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